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art ware 工藝品。

“ pokings “ is a newborn brand under the flag of husilongs enterprise , with careful and precise productive workmanship and the fine and unique product design : what pokings “ made is not only the elaborate works of metallic ceiling but also a ceiling art ware of making person startled , and chased by the boost of the tasting crowd “鉑金斯”乃華獅企業旗下的新生品牌,精雕細琢的生產工藝,精致獨特的產品設計: “鉑金斯”打造的不僅是金屬天花的精品,還是令人怦然心動的天花藝術品,受到品未一族的追捧。

art work

“ pokings “ is a newborn brand under the flag of husilongs enterprise , with careful and precise productive workmanship and the fine and unique product design : what pokings “ made is not only the elaborate works of metallic ceiling but also a ceiling art ware of making person startled , and chased by the boost of the tasting crowd “鉑金斯”乃華獅企業旗下的新生品牌,精雕細琢的生產工藝,精致獨特的產品設計: “鉑金斯”打造的不僅是金屬天花的精品,還是令人怦然心動的天花藝術品,受到品未一族的追捧。

Along the stalls were varieties of collection , including beautiful art wares , useful note books , attractive gadgets , etc 在各個攤位前擺滿了琳瑯滿目的收藏品,有美麗的工藝品,實用的筆記本、可愛的小玩意等等。

The ganoderma lucidum craft with its antique , simple and elegant quality forms a fine natural art ware 靈芝工藝盆景,是一精美絕倫的天然藝術品,古色古香,樸素典雅。